Walk through any home and garden center and you’re going to find a lot of plants that would look great in your garden. You could grow just about anything, right? With the right elements in play, you could have amazing landscaping, a lush garden, and so much more. This all seems plausible, until you actually get seeds, get plants, and put them into the ground. Many people get frustrated by the fact that things aren’t so simple when dealing with plants and growth cycles. You could do everything right, you could think two steps ahead, and after all of your work, you could still see problems come through with your overall plant health. The reason why so many people fail to get forward progress with plants and garden areas is because they don’t know the elements that come with PHC or plant health care. Professionals that work with plants on a regular basis do a lot more than just come to your home and water plants. They prune, they work with PHC and they make sure that things are fit for growth in your area. If you’re not familiar with the elements of plant health care, then the following will shine light on them.

Testing The Soil

First and foremost, you should know whether or not your soil is going to be able to grow anything. Many homeowners assume that they just have to dig a little, throw down some fertilizer and water plants, that’s it. That’s not the case today. In many instances, you’ll need to work with aeration, add vitamins and minerals, and then wait for a cycle to grow plants properly. Without testing the soil, you are going to be gambling on whether or not anything is going to grow.

Fertilizing The Area

Fertilizer is important to the life cycle of your plants. This includes the lawn that you plant. Whether you want something to stay green through the season, or you just want to ensure that things grow in the soil you have, fertilizer is something that you cannot escape. There are several ways to look at this, but often, you will need more than what the stores offer. Professionals that work with plants and landscaping usually have access to bulk fertilizer that will help you gain the upper hand for your gardening and plant health care overall. This is something that helps enrich the soil, helps feed plants, and keeps growing cycles on point. Without adding any fertilization elements, you could once again find your seeds get choked out or never sprout properly.

Managing Insects and Other Problems

Moving along with plant health, you are going to have to fight pests. Insects can come and destroy your crops fast. They can eat up leaves, they can destroy stems, and if left alone, they can even cause problems with the seeds you plant. Some people want to go organic, others don’t mind pesticide, but you’ll need to decide how you’re going to approach this problem. Without any sort of health care, you will not get far with your garden. Professionals can help you manage the insect and disease issues related with pests and beyond. This is something that needs careful progress because too much in any direction, and your plants could die. You don’t want anything to die, you want things to progress naturally, and without having to worry about pests and natural disease.

Monitoring Health Over Time

You cannot “set and forget” your garden. You have to prune, pick, aerate, fertilize, and lastly, monitor. To have a lush garden, you have to put in a lot of work. If you don’t have the time to water, prune, and work through various stages, then it’s time to call in a professional. The major elements of PHC are not something that you can ignore. This becomes especially true if you have a large garden area that you want to ensure grows through natural stages. Professional landscapers can help you with this, especially in the monitoring stage. Monitoring growth, keeping pests away, and adding food, water, and more can be an investment that will pay off dividends in the future.

At the end of the day, you’re going to find that it’s easy to plant a garden. Planting is not the hard part, it’s keeping things healthy, growing, and well maintained. Without the help of a professional, you’re going to have to do a lot of work, and make sure that you go through the elements mentioned above. Even then, you may run into issues, which is why calling in an expert to help you get things going can be a great idea.